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Tuesday 12 May 2020

New Potain MDT 569

Manitowoc introduced the Potain MDT 569, the latest model in the MDT line of headless cranes. Designed as one of the most versatile and versatile Potain cranes, the modular design of the MDT 569 crane features optimized dimensions and weight of components, making it easier to transport and assemble. The crane's impressive load capacity schedules, as well as its premium technology package, make it an attractive new option for customers.
The Potain MDT 569 topless crane has a modular design that features optimized component sizes and weights, says Manitowoc, facilitating easy transport and assembly.

The MDT 569 tower crane is designed to lift large loads of material at a time. Options for maximum hoisting capacities are 22, 27.6, and 35.3 tons, and the crane’s maximum jib length is 262 feet. Tip capacity is up to 4.6 tons when using the 27.6-ton-capacity model and working with the 262-foot jib. Maximum line speed is 640 ft/min. when the crane is equipped with the 150 HPL hoist. The crane can be equipped with a new 26-foot, cross-shaped base, which, according to Manitowoc, is simple to assemble and more cost effective, compared with  previous bases.

The new model also uses Manitowoc’s Crane Control System (CCS), as well as ergonomic controls and the Ultra View cab. The MDT 569 can be fully assembled and erected in only two days, says Manitowoc, incorporating features such as fast jib and counter-jib connections, and an automatic tensioning and slackening system for the trolley rope.

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